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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - confirm


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Перевод с английского языка confirm на русский

1. подтверждать the report has now been confirmed —- теперь сообщение подтверждено please confirm your telephone message by letter —- офиц. просим подтвердить ваше телефонное сообщение письмом to confirm by oath —- юр. подтвердить (что-л) под присягой 2. утверждать, ратифицировть the appointment has been confirmed by a higher authority —- назначение утверждено вышестоящими инстанциями to confirm smb. in office —- утвердить кого-л в должности to confirm the decision of the lower court —- юр. утвердить приговор нижестоящего суда 3. оформить (сделку) 4. подкреплять, поддерживать to confirm smb. in his decision —- поддержать кого-л. в его решении later events confirmed his determination —- последующие события укрепили его решимость 5. церк. конфирмовать
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См. в других словарях

  v.  1) подтверждать  2) утверждать; закреплять (in) The director was confirmed in his position as chairman.  3) ратифицировать  4) подкреплять, поддерживать  5) eccl. конфирмовать (in) Twenty boys and girls were confirmed in the Christian Church. Syn: see endorse ...
Англо-русский словарь
  гл. 1) подтверждать 2) утверждать 3) санкционировать 4) ратифицировать • - confirm a treaty - confirm the price Syn: authorize, maintain ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  v.tr. 1 provide support for the truth or correctness of; make definitely valid (confirmed my suspicions; confirmed his arrival time). 2 (foll. by in) encourage (a person) in (an opinion etc.). 3 establish more firmly (power, possession, etc.). 4 ratify (a treaty, possession, title, etc.); make formally valid. 5 administer the religious rite of confirmation to. Derivatives confirmative adj. confirmatory adj. Etymology: ME f. OF confermer f. L confirmare (as com-, firm(1)) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   transitive verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French cunfermer, from Latin ~are, from com- + firmare to make firm, from firmus firm  Date: 13th century  1. to give approval to ; ratify ~ a treaty  2. to make firm or firmer ; strengthen ~ one's resolve  3. to administer the rite of ~ation to  4. to give new assurance of the validity of ; remove doubt about by authoritative act or indisputable fact ~ a rumor ~ an order  • ~ability noun  • ~able adjective Synonyms:  ~, corroborate, substantiate, verify, authenticate, validate mean to attest to the truth or validity of something. ~ implies the removing of doubts by an authoritative statement or indisputable fact ~ed the reports. corroborate suggests the strengthening of what is already partly established witnesses corroborated his story. substantiate implies the offering of evidence that sustains the contention the claims have yet to be substantiated. verify implies the establishing of correspondence of actual facts or details with those proposed or guessed at all statements of fact in the article have been verified. authenticate implies establishing genuineness by adducing legal or official documents or expert opinion handwriting experts authenticated the diaries. validate implies establishing validity by authoritative affirmation or by factual proof validated the hypothesis by experiments. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (confirms, confirming, confirmed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If something confirms what you believe, suspect, or fear, it shows that it is definitely true. X-rays have confirmed that he has not broken any bones... These new statistics confirm our worst fears about the depth of the recession... VERB: no cont, V that, V n • confirmation They took her resignation from Bendix as confirmation of their suspicions. N-UNCOUNT 2. If you confirm something that has been stated or suggested, you say that it is true because you know about it. The spokesman confirmed that the area was now in rebel hands... He confirmed what had long been feared... VERB: V that, V n • confirmation She glanced over at James for confirmation. N-UNCOUNT 3. If you confirm an arrangement or appointment, you say that it is definite, usually in a letter or on the telephone. You make the reservation, and I’ll confirm it in writing. VERB: V n • confirmation Travel arrangements are subject to confirmation by State Tourist Organisations. N-UNCOUNT 4. If someone is confirmed, they are formally accepted as a member of a Christian church during a ceremony in which they say they believe what the church teaches. He was confirmed as a member of the Church of England. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed • confirmation (confirmations) ...when I was being prepared for Confirmation... Flu prevented her from attending her daughter’s confirmation. N-VAR 5. If something confirms you in your decision, belief, or opinion, it makes you think that you are definitely right. It has confirmed me in my decision not to become a nun. VERB: no cont, V n in n 6. If someone confirms their position, role, or power, they do something to make their power, position, or role stronger or more definite. Williams has confirmed his position as the world’s number one snooker player. VERB: V n 7. If something confirms you as something, it shows that you definitely deserve a name, role, or...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 to show that something is definitely true, especially by providing more proof  (The new evidence has confirmed the first witness's story. | confirm that)  (Research has confirmed that the risk is higher for women. | confirm what)  (The new results confirm what most of us knew already.) 2 to make an idea or feeling stronger or more definite  (This just confirms my fears. | confirm you in your belief/opinion/view etc (that) (=make you believe something more strongly))  (The expression on his face confirmed me in my suspicions.) 3 to say that something is definitely true  (The President refused to confirm the rumor. | confirm that)  (Walsh confirmed that the money had been paid. | confirm what)  (My brother will confirm what I have told you.) 4 to tell someone that a possible arrangement, date, or time is now definite  (Could you confirm the dates we discussed. | be confirmed in office (=be formally accepted in a new position of responsibility, especially as leader of a country)) 5 be confirmed to be made a full member of the Christian church in a special ceremony ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - early 13c., from L. confirmare "make firm, strengthen, establish," from com- intensive prefix + firmare "to strengthen," from firmus (see firm). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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